A day in the life of a homecare assistant
Rather than providing care to clients in a group accommodation like nursing homes, Homecare workers will provide care to clients within the comfort of their own home. The tasks needed of a Homecare worker can differ from client to client, ranging from companionship and domestic care to assisting with medication and personal care. The frequency of client visits will vary depending on their individual needs, meaning each day will be different.
We’ve recently spoken to Rhys, Salisbury Branch Manager, to give us some insights into what his day was like whilst he provided care at home to his clients. Rhys typically worked Single Shifts, covering care between 7am and 10pm; and his visits usually lasted between 30 minutes to an hour. The clients Rhys visited were incredibly varied, from those who require general day to day help to people who were a high fall risk or had Parkinson’s.
We know no two days are ever the same; however Rhys’ ‘Day in the life’ gives a fantastic insight into what it’s like to be a Homecare assistant.
The start of the shift, Rhys arrives at his first client’s house where he helps the client with some personal care, as they have a stoma bag, which Rhys changes. He then goes on to help the client get up, washed, dressed and ready for the day. Once the client is ready, Rhys goes on to prepare breakfast and then moves on to his next client.
Rhys’s next client is someone who requires a welfare check every day, once he establishes the client is safe and well he continues on to his next clients. Typically Rhys would visit up to four clients in the mornings.
Lunch time begins and Rhys will be predominantly visiting clients to help prepare their lunches, cutting up food and getting drinks. A client has asked for some companionship during lunch time, so Rhys will sit with them and have a chat, play cards or help them with some minor tasks. Lunchtime tasks will usually last until 2:00pm and during this time Rhys visited three clients.
2pm – 4pm
This is the quieter period in the day, so Rhys will take this time to get himself some lunch. He will then head over to his local branch to spend some time with his colleagues and take a break.
Rhys would begin visiting his clients again to prep for dinner time; similarly to lunch, this will include preparing lunches, cutting up food and getting drinks. One particular client has a dog that Rhys takes on a short walk around the area. He then goes on to visit the client he saw this morning to prepare his dinner for him and to change his stoma bag. Rhys visited a further two clients.
The day begins to wind down and Rhys will go around to clients to help them get settled for the evening and to get in to bed. Rhys visited a total of four clients, one who needed help with medication and a few clients who require personal care. Once all clients have been seen to in the evening, Rhys would usually finish his shift at 10pm.
The role of a Home Carer can be an incredibly rewarding experience; allowing you to make a difference in somebody’s life and allowing them to continue living their lives to the best of their abilities. The tasks Rhys carried out throughout his day empowered his clients to be as independent as possible; they can continue to have control over their own lives whilst still receiving necessary care and assistance.
If you have a compassionate nature and an enthusiasm for helping others, a role within Homecare may be for you.
Posted-on December 07, 2022 By Nurseplus Care at home